Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Map# 51: Remote Sensing Mapping

This is a map used to represent the top level domain (TLD) name system of the internet. The TLDs are visualized and linked as KML. The map and additional info on this project can be found at http://www.zook.info/tld_map.html

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Map# 50: Star Plots

Star Plots show multiple varying data. When combined with other star plots, the viewer can compare a variety of observations. This analysis shows star plots for 16 different 1979 automobile models comparing 9 different variables of Price, Mileage (MPG), 1978 Repair Record (1 = Worst, 5 = Best), 1977 Repair Record (1 = Worst, 5 = Best), Headroom, Rear Seat Room, Trunk Space, Weight, and Length.

Map# 49: Correlation Matrix

A Correlation Matrix shows the strength and direction of relationship between two variables, or simply put, how closely correlated two items under consideration are. In the financial world, this could be used to depict how closely related two different stocks are or, as this correlation matrix does, showing correlations between the S & P 500, 10 different sectors, gold, oil, and the 10 year Treasury note. The numbers in green show higher correlation than numbers in red.

Map# 48: Similarity Matrix

A Similarity Matrix is utilized to highlight the likeness or similarity of two separate data points. This similarity matrix was used in a study to determine the similarity bewteen two videos.

Map# 47: Stem and Leaf Plot

A Stem and Leaf Plot organizes data in order to show its shape and distribution. In this instance, the number 12 is depicted as 1 under the stem, and 2 under the leaf. Likewise, 13 is depicted as 1 under the stem and 3 under the leaf. This stem and leaf plot shows a distribution of 2 values between 10 and 19, 2 values between 20 and 29, 4 values between 30 and 39, and 3 values between 40 and 49. The largest distribution is between 30 and 39. This plot can be found at the following web site: http://www.glencoe.com/sec/math/studytools/cgi-bin/msgQuiz.php4?isbn=0-02-833050-1&chapter=2&lesson=6

Map# 46: Box Plot

A Box Plot shows ranges of data within statistical summaries. This box plot was used in an experiment on the speed of light.

Map# 45: Histogram

A Histogram depicts information a a bar type format. Unlike a normal bar chart, the bars of a histogram different in width rather than height. In this histogram, notice the changing width of the bars as the travel time (bottom axis) increases.