A Correlation Matrix shows the strength and direction of relationship between two variables, or simply put, how closely correlated two items under consideration are. In the financial world, this could be used to depict how closely related two different stocks are or, as this correlation matrix does, showing correlations between the S & P 500, 10 different sectors, gold, oil, and the 10 year Treasury note. The numbers in green show higher correlation than numbers in red.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Map# 49: Correlation Matrix
A Correlation Matrix shows the strength and direction of relationship between two variables, or simply put, how closely correlated two items under consideration are. In the financial world, this could be used to depict how closely related two different stocks are or, as this correlation matrix does, showing correlations between the S & P 500, 10 different sectors, gold, oil, and the 10 year Treasury note. The numbers in green show higher correlation than numbers in red.
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